Suppose you’re currently honing your German language skills with our Private German Lessons or undertaking another form of German study to take up one of the many excellent opportunities for higher education in Germany. In that case, you will undoubtedly have many questions regarding the level of teaching you can expect and the steps you need to take to get there.
German universities enjoy an excellent reputation, with 11 ranked among the world’s top 200 by the Times Higher Education magazine. Moreover, they are consistently praised by international students for the quality of teaching and high equipment standards, making them a perfect choice for those seeking research opportunities. And unlike the UK, most universities don’t charge tuition fees for undergraduate courses, another reason they’re a desirable prospect. The vast majority of German degrees are widely recognised on the international job market, so you may be assured that your job prospects will be at least as good as if you study at home.
As an international student, your first step is to apply to the International Office (Akademisches Auslandsdienst or AAA) at the university of your choice. They will require verification that your qualifications entitle you to embark on your chosen study programme. For a Bachelor’s degree, this might involve getting your A-levels recognised; for a place on a Master’s course or higher, you may need to have your university degree recognised. Generally, a qualification which entitles you to study at university in your home EU country will be valid, but entrance requirements can vary depending on your chosen subject.
Additionally, if you intend to embark on a course taught in German, you must demonstrate that you are sufficiently proficient in the language to keep pace with your fellow students. Two of the most widely-recognised certificates are the DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber) and the TestDaf (Test für Deutsch als Fremdsprache). Even if your course is taught in English, you will undoubtedly find life easier if you have a good command of the language, and this is something we can help prepare you for if you live in the London area.
More information about studying in Germany can be found here.